
TargetedWebTraffic.com: Converting Traffic into Leads

Marketing means finding a customer and building a target market. In order for a brand to be able to attract customers and increase sales, it must set the criteria for building and offering its product and service based on customer demand, needs and market requirements.

For a successful marketing you need to pay attention to mechanisms such as innovative products, customer needs assessment, use of social networks, production of targeted content in various ways such as textual, visual, audio, video and digital content.

After the marketing stage, we come to the next stage, which is how to sell and increase continuous sales. There are many different ways to converting traffic into sales that can be addressed with the right planning and policy to increase sales .

What factors determine successful sales?

Sales is the measure of all your success in introducing, advertising and presenting your product or serviceThe higher the sales, the more successful you are in marketing and customer acquisition, and the more you can help your business stay strong.

Successful sales can be viewed and evaluated by several factors, which we describe.

Definite period

Successful sales come when you sell or sell as much as you anticipateFor example, within a month, you predicted that you would sell 100 copies of your product, and if you have reached this number, it can be said that you have had successful sales at that particular time.

A certain period of time can be measured by two factors, short-term and long-term. These two factors indicate the success or failure of your business.

Short-term:  This factor is often used to calculate your sales per month or each seasonIn this way, you compare your sales with the previous month or each season with the previous season, and in case of equal sales or more sales, you will continue your planning, otherwise you will change your sales plan and policies. You pay.

You have to keep this in mind. These media are like an ocean full of fish (your customers) and bring you unspeakable income, but before fishing you have to learn to swim (learn to use social media policies and techniques properly). Not only can you not fish but you will drown.

Responsive site design

Despite the smartphones and the ease of use of these phones, most people use the phone to buySo you need to design a site that is displayed correctly on all platforms and does not crash on your phone or tablet so that the user can easily traffic to your website that converts.

Affiliate Marketing

Hiring a marketer, as the name implies, is a model of traditional marketing in which you pay individuals or companies to find customers for your productsThis method is highly efficient and has a relatively good return on income for you.

Increase sales with email marketing

In this way, you send emails to customers with different themes such as new products, special discounts on free products, and so on.

This method only requires an email platform and a list of your customers' emails, so it does not require much cost, and on the other hand, the cost you incur is incomparable to the amount of revenue returnedOf course, you should be careful not to send too many emails and put extra content in the email.


A pop-up is an advertisement that is displayed to the user at once after entering the siteThese ads are very useful to show your special products and force the user to see that productOf course, note that you should not use pop-ups a lot and become a customer joke, it is enough to display it once every time a user enters the site.

Timely delivery

You need to be able to deliver the product that your customer ordered to the customer in the shortest time possible. This is very importantOne of the efficient policies that you can use in this section is to inform the customer that the product will be delivered after 7 days, but deliver the product to the customer after 5 days. This will make the customer happy that the product was purchased earlier than He will feel satisfied when he arrives and will buy from you again without any doubt.

15. Quality images are a simple way to increase sales

Use quality images to display your productsThe most impact of the type of content on the brain is the visual content, so it can be concluded that to increase your sales, you should use images with maximum quality.

16. Backlinks

This technique means that we can direct the customer to your site in different ways and cause more visits and traffic to your site.

There are many ways to backlink that we will mention.

Blog:  Create a blog and after posting relevant and relevant content, enter your site address in it.

Profile:  Register on some sites, such as Microsoft. You can enter your site address in the profile section of the website.

Instagram and Telegram:  In your bio section, you can put a link to your site.

Comment:  In some sites, in the comment section, there is a section called your website. In this section, after entering your text, enter your site address.

The above are just a few of the backlinks.

17. Limit your suggestions

The more variety of products you offer, the more your customers will be confused and regret buyingYou need to find your customer needs and offer a product that fits those needs.

18. TV commercials

Media like TV, which was one of the first media available, always has its fans and this is an opportunity to increase salesIn order to advertise on TV, you have to pay a fee to the radio so that they can show your adIn this regard, it is vital to pay attention to several factors.

Advertising Duration: Choose an airtime for your ad that can best display your product and brandAvoid lengthening and shortening the movie and consider a reasonable time for it. Obviously, lengthening the ad will cause users to get bored and avoid seeing the ad, and also avoid shortening it too much.

Content: Content that is to be seen on television must be powerful enough to engage the public.

3. Adapt

In this technique, you are inspired by the ideas of others and use them in your businessIn this way, you look at the rest of the business, what ideas attract the most customers to them, and you use that strength in a different way or in the same way in your business.

4. Minify

In this technique, you have to remove the extra parts by modifying them and add the weak parts to your product. You have to correct anything that makes you weak.

5. Put to Another Use

The concept expresses what other fields this product or service can be used in and what other target markets are found for this productThis concept is expressed when your product and service can no longer find customers in your previous target market.

6. Eliminate

In this technique you have to identify and remove the extra or unnecessary parts that cost your business nothingFor example, behind the shop window, you should not use too many advertising posters or, for example, you should not advertise too much on your site so that you lose your main part, ie the sales section of the products, because of the income you have from these advertisements.

7. Reverse

At this point, you are thinking about whether it will increase your sales if you completely reverse your production process . Or if you reverse one part of the production process, it will make you more profitable and less costlyOnly this move can revive a dead business and save it from complete destruction.

Innovation means increasing sales

sales increase

Another area that can increase sales is product innovation.

Innovation can put you ahead of other competitors who all offer the same product.

The innovation can be learned from Apple, how it used a button to make phones that replaced its big rival Nokia, and people were willing to pay a lot to have it.

If you do not innovate in your products, you will eventually fall to the ground, like Nokia, which could not innovate and lost the market. .

There are several important factors for innovation that will increase your sales.

1. Ambition

Ambition is one of the most important factors in innovation. The more open-minded you are and do not get bogged down in superficial designs, the more likely you are to succeedSteve Jobs can be a good example for you, his ambition to use one button instead of several buttons has made Apple one of the most successful brands in the world today.

3. Discover

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other peoplePeople who do not spend time discovering value do not succeed.

4. Make progress

Once the ideas are discovered, it is time to implement themTo implement these ideas, you need the right space in every way. When you create this space, it means that you have progressed and are moving towards your goal of increasing sales.

5. Accelerate

Accelerating means implementing the idea in a small section before implementing it as a whole, and removing barriers to easy use by customers.

6. Scaling

If you are going to implement an idea, you need to determine the scale at which your idea is going to be implemented and successfulFor example, social networks run on a global scale and Snap on a national scale, but your idea may be successful around your hometown or within the country..

Effective words and phrases to increase sales

sales increase

Words and sentences play an important role in your sales and how to speak properly to the customer is one of the most important parts of sales.

How you talk to the customer determines the fate of your businessIf the customer is satisfied with the way you talk, it will increase sales, but if it is the opposite and they are dissatisfied with the way you behave, it will reduce sales, and this is a negative point for you and your business.

1. Simple

Nowadays, with the complexity of the products that are offered and the desire of customers to use the products as easily as possible, you should help yourself by providing products that are easy to use and understandable for the customer, so that you have more income and do not lag behind competitors.

2. limited

Everyone is looking for something special and to have something that sets them apart from everyone else, and they do everything they can to do thatSuppose Bugatti has a small supply of carsThe company understands the meaning of this word well and knows how to make money from this slogan.

To be different from other people, the company's customers are willing to pay any amount of money to have one of the company's products, these people may not even need this car, but the thirst for something that other people can not have persuaded them to pay It costs a lot to have it.

This sentence will help you to be higher than your competitors and have a lot of demand for your products and be willing to pay any price for your products.

Most people are looking for free products that are of good qualityBy distributing some of your products for free, you can show the quality of your work to customers and increase the feeling of satisfaction, trust and loyalty in your customer. This will attract customers to use all your products and services, even if it is not necessary. Be, do not neglect this sentence.

5. Discount

One of the sentences that plays with your customers' minds is discountIt gives your customers confidence and confidence that they can buy your products at a lower price.

In addition, a discount is a good opportunity for some of your customers who have not been able to buy to use your products.

6. Guaranteed

One of the most effective phrases in the minds of customers is to provide a guarantee about your product and service.

Thanks to the counterfeit goods on the market and the sale of these goods instead of the original product by some sellers, the issue has become a serious problemYou need to give the customer a guarantee to ease the customer's mind from buying and guarantee that in case of any problem in your product, the customer can return the product and get their money backThis factor will increase your sales significantly and put you in a higher position than your competitors.

7. The best

One of the most effective sentences to attract a customer is the best sentenceSurely, the phrase "best" sits in the mind of your customer and creates a feeling in the customer that he wants to use this product.

8. Comparison

When your customer is hesitant between your products and the competitor, you can ask the customer to choose one by comparing the two products, and during the comparison, you must convince the customer to choose your product.

9. How can I help you?

By using this sentence, you show your sense of intention to the customer and make him understand that the purpose of your being is not a part to meet his needs and requests. This increases the loyalty of the customer.

10. When can we start?

This sentence has a great psychological effect on the customer and is called the sales assumption, and when you notice the sale of your product to the customer psychologically intense, it is used as a release arrow to confirm the customer's purchase.

11. In answer to your question I must say that !!

When a customer is confused about buying a product and asks you questions about the product, you should answer in such a way that in addition to resolving the customer's hesitation, he strongly feels the need to buy this product and does not hesitate to buy it.

In this article, we will point out some psychological techniques to increase sales.

1. Assist the customer in making decisions

You should find the customer's need as soon as the customer arrives and guide the customer in responding to this need.

Suppose you are a mobile phone seller, a customer comes to your shop and is confused by the sheer volume of mobile phones. This is where you need to understand the customer's needs.

2. Encourage and label the customer

Labeling means assigning a special feature to the customer, which encourages the customer to buy and reuse that product, an example helps to understand and clarify the issue.

Suppose you run a dairy distribution company, you thank the customer for choosing you from among your other competitors to persuade your customer after delivering what he needs, and by doing so you label him a loyal customer. And you encourage him to buy again. This is called labeling the customer.

3. Divide the market into several segments

You need to divide your customers into different categories and put people with similar needs in one category, then plan and policy to meet the needs of each category and determine how to advertise and present your products.

In addition, market segmentation helps you differentiate customers from ordinary people and identifies the target market for you, which makes it easier for you to work and focus more on the target market.

4. Make a competitor for yourself?

To sell your products, you must think of a competitorThis is necessary because it gives the customer the feeling that they do not have to buy your product and choose the best one from several similar productsOn the other hand, this will increase your recognition and popularity among customers, and this means increasing sales.

In choosing the right competitor, you should pay attention to the fact that the competitor is not so strong that it will take your place after a while, or it is so weak that it will not be seen at all.

5. Do you care about comments?

Of course, after selling your products, some of your customers are satisfied, some are dissatisfied, some have questions and some have suggestions.

Display all of these comments on your website and avoid displaying only positive comments.

Be active in answering your users' questions. This shows the customer that you value them.

If there is a suggestion from customers, evaluate these suggestions in the next work and use themBy doing this, you show your opposing customers that you value their opinions and build trust with other customers.

With this trick, in addition to attracting new customers, you can also hope for your rival customers.

6. Play your opposite role?

In this way, you criticize your product in the comments and change your vote in a clever moveYou act in such a way that in the comments section, you were dissatisfied with the use of this product and they set a high price for it due to its content, and then you say immediately, but it is better than other products.

With this trick, you define your product in the role of an opponent, and in the customer's mind, you make this product more valuable than similar products, and you convince the customer that having this product is necessary, this is the factor that increases your sales.

Of course, it should be noted that you should not overdo this and do not intend to deceive customers.

7. Keep satisfied after purchase

It is essential that you maintain your relationship with the customer after selling your product or service, and if you have any questions or customer needs to address it, this practice has different prevalence in businesses, for example, suppose a content production company You have and customers have bought a course from you. If you have an update in this course, you can offer it to your customers for free or give a cheap and related course to your customers as a gift.

Click ads

High converting traffic and Click-through advertising means using Google's service or Google AdWords to display your ad on the pages of your target customers.

At a very low cost, you can be on the first page of your customer search and enjoy its incredible benefits.

Summary sales increase


This article is taken from foreign books and articles collected by Netico, and do not forget that professional marketing is not summarized in this article! Instead, you should spend a few hours studying and taking marketing courses to fully understand this lucrative discussion, and we will definitely build several courses on this soon.

Excerpt from the film Greg Wall Street, based on the life of Jordan Belford (one of the world's biggest sellers)


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